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July 30, Inaugural talk and songs for Peñaparda Festival del Pandero Cuadrado
July 16 (date TBC) Centro Sefarad-Israel, Spain
July 17-18, date TBC Espacio ROnda, Madrid and Valencia
July 2 Paper for Zamora Sefardi conference, Spain
May and June: Talks on Sephardic music, Jewish community centres, Toronto and Vaughan, Ontario
March 29. With Zisl Slepovitxh, Yiddish and Sephardic and Acadian music at Barbes, Brooklyn, New York'
March 26. Primo Levi Center, New York City
March 25. "Between the sea and the sand": musical talk on Sephardic songs for Columbia University,
  Center for Israel and Jewish Studies, New York
December 19, Association for Jewish Studies conference; paper for Jews of the Amazon panel
November 3, Associacão Sholem Aleichem, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oct. 31 + Nov. 2: Inaugural concert for "Jews of the Amazon" (Judeus da Amazônia) 
  exhibit, Museu Judaico, São Paulo, Brazil
October 30, Instituto Cervantes, São Paulo, Brazil
October 25-Nov. 3 Concerts for Kleztival, International festival of Jewish Music, São Paulo, Brazil
October 20-21 Concert-workshops, Jewish communities of Fortaleza and Natal, Brazil
October 5, Concert for Cervantes Institute and Alliance Française, Recife, Brazil
October 4, songs for Shabbat service, Kahal Zur synagogue, Recife, Brazil
October 2, guest class, Balkan rhythms and others, Music graduate students, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
September 29+October 3, workshops for Beit Shmuel synagogue, and Bereshit Olam, Recife, Brazil
July 29, concert of Holocaust songs, Itteredu, Sardinia
July 14, concert Sephardic music, Cervantes Institute, Brussels
July 1. Lecture and concert, Zamora Sefardí, Zamora, Spain
June 14, Journey of an Amazonian Song, Toronto Storytelling Festival
May 28. Lecture (online) Music among Crypto-Jews of Portugal , Qesher
April 21. Lecture (online) on Sephardic music, Qesher.
March 16.  Canções sefarditas de Purim, zoom workshop for Manaus Jewish Community
February 10. Shabbat presentation for Kol Ami, Toronto.
February 6. Moroccan Sephardic wedding songs, private occasion, New York City
January 17. Demystifying Sephardic Songs. Online for San Francisco Jewish LibraryJanuary 8, house concert, San Diego
January 6, 2024. Solo concert at the UnUrban Cafe, Santa Monica (Los Angeles), California
December 20. House concert in Berkeley, with Trio Qirvah
December 17. "Haketía in Amazônia: Exploring music among Moroccan Sephardim in the Brazilian Amazon."
  Association of Jewish Studies, San Francisco. 
November 7. Zengierski Guest Lecturer 2023. University of Buffalo, Romance Languages and Literature. 
October 22 and 25. Montreal Intercultural Storytelling Festival: Featured Artist. 
October 15. "No quiero, madre: Canciones  sefardíes cantadas por madre e hija."
Cervantes Institute, Istanbul, Türkiye. 
October 11. "La ija i la madre, komo la una i la karne: Romansas i kantikas 
de la tradision sefardi". Concert for Sefarad       conference, Izmir, Türkiye 
with Tamar Ilana, Linet Şaül, Kamila Şaül
October 10. Sephardic Studies conference, Izmir, Turkey: Music in
Portuguese Crypto-Jewish Life: a quarter-century of change and adaptation"
August 30. Guest appearance at concert of Fortuna, Sáo Paulo
August 29. Guest with Storyteller Fabio Lisboa, children's concert,
CEU Paraisópolis, Sáo Paulo
August 27. Moroccan Sephardic Songs demonstration, Amazônia Judaica conference,
Museu Judaico, Sáo Paulo
August 27, Concert with Beny Zekhry, Clara Kochan, Valeria Zeidan, Nicole Borger at Piu Piu, Sáo Paulo, Brazil
August 25, Sephardic concert, Moroccan Amazon Jewish Community, Manaus, Brazil
August 22. Sephardic concert, Moroccan Amazon Jewish Community, Belém do Pará, Brazil
August 21. Presentation on Sephardic, French Canadian and other Fieldwork. LabEtno, Ethnomusicology
   Lab, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém. 
August 20. “Para el novio una sardina”: Canciones tradicionales en Ladino, Haketía y Portugués. Closing concert, CIES.
August 18, 'Diziendo las zemirot’: Canciones de los Sefardíes del Norte de Marruecos. Rio de Janeiro, CIES conference
August 12. Songs for the end of Shabat: Kahal Zahur, first official synagogue of the Americas, Recife, Brazil.
 August 11. "La música sefardita: panorama". Institute of History & Archeology, Recife, Brazil.
August 11. Songs for Shabat: Sinagoga Israelita do Recife.
August 10. "Canções sefarditas e a música medieval." University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
August 2. Lunchtime concert, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
July 7. "Alan Lomax en Galicia 1952." Museu do Pobo Galego, Santiago de Compostela. 
July 3. Keynote conference-talk, Zamora Sefardí conference, Zamora, Spain
June 26-30, 2023. ICTM-Mediterranean Musics. "Yendome para Marsilia". Marseille, France.
June 7-9, 2023.  ICTM Global History of Music conference, Palermo, Italy. "Diaspora and Islands
    at home: Changing repertoires in Portuguese Crypto-Jewish Communities"
May 29, 2023, 10 am. "Songs of The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem", Jewish Music Week, Toronto
April 22, 2023, 10 am. "Diziendo las zemirot": Guest leader, Music service, CityShul, Toronto
April 18, smARTS in Harmony: Music through Generations
March 28. 8-10 pm. Featured artist at Mausiqi Global Jam Sessions (
      at Alternity, 333 Bloor St W. 
March 18, 2023. Ukrainian Songs benefit with Sing With Ukraine, Palmerston Library, Toronto, 5 pm
March 16, 2023. Workshop, Sephardic Calendar Cycle Songs, Jewish Teachers Education, York University
March 13, 2023. Workshop releated to March 12, York University Music Depament, 6:30 pm
March 12, 2023. 7 pm. "And for the Groom a Sardine: Sephardic and related songs". With
   Demetrios Petsalakis, oud.; Naghmeh Fahramand: tombek, daf. For inaugural series  Jewish Music@ York - York University         Koschitsky Centre for Jewish Studies/Music Department/Azrieli Foundation
March 9, 2023. Zoom repeat by request of  January 22.
Jan. 29, 2023. 2 pm, "Kantar i Kontar", Ladino Day, New York City: Featured performer.                                   
January 22, 2023. Sephardic & Related Songs at Darchei Noam Congregation. 864 Sheppard Ave. West, 7 pm. With Aaron Lightstone, oud. ; repeated on request for limited online audience March 9
January 13-14. Ukrainian Winter Carols with Kosa Kolektiv. St Vladimir's Institute, and traditional  street/house visits.
January 6. Informal intimate mini-concert with Bella Rios, Sephardic Songs, Hotel Raquel Lobby, Havana, Cuba. 
November 2022, Music in Portuguese Crypto-Jewish Communities, Qesher
November 2022 Panel on Women's song in endangered Jewish languages 
November 2022 Host, talk with author Richard Zimler,
        York University Centre for Jewish Studies 
September 2022, Music of Sefarad, Qesher 
August 24, 2022. with Sing With Ukraine:
         Zapovid Exclusive Subway Performance Benefit, Toronto.
August 2022: World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel:
   - Folklore Division: From the Inquisition to Sete Maravilhas,
     and "Three Cultures" festivals: Jewish belief, identity and
      folklorization   in Portugal and Spain
    - AMILAT  (Amazônia Judaica section) “Cantando la vida sefardí
        en Amazonia, un proyecto etnomusicológico de piloto" 

July 2022 "A Hidden Declared Maravilha? Portuguese Crypto-Jews

       and their music practices in the 21st century", ICTM conference, Lisbon, Portugal;

       guest performances with Adufeiras do Paúl, for conference and with Al'fado, Lisbon

June 27 Paper+Performance "Ea, Judeus, a enfardelar”: convivencia and songs in
        pre-and-para-Expulsion Spain," ,; and guest performance
       with Stefan Sablic's concert. Sefarad Conference, Beograd, Serbia
June 10  “Aní kinór lekhól sharím” – “Soy arpa de los poetas”: Concierto en
        honor a Ibn Gabirol. Historic Nahon Synagogue/Cervantes Institute, Tangier, Morocco.
        Spanish Embassy in Morocco. With Wafir Sheikh and Zahra al-Bouanani.
June 8. . "Retorno a Sefarad". Espacio Ronda, Madrid, with Wafir Sheikh and Bill Cooley
May 29:  With #SingWithUkraine, SING! Festival, Toronto
May 27, Musical Talk: "Ladino Songs: the Lighter Side", Jewish Music Week, Toronto
May 11, "Miriam's Tambourine": with Ruth Danziger', Storytelling Toronto Festival 2022
May 10, Sephardic Brotherhood series, inaugural interview with Ian Pomerantz for series
   on Sephardic music and musicology
April 30, with #SingWithUkraine, benefit concert with Vesuvius Ensemble, Heliconian Hall
April 9   Alliance Française Toronto, concert "Musical Journeys".
          With Tamar Ilana, Naghmeh Fahramand, Rachel Melas, Demetrios Petsalakis and guests #SingWithUkraine
March 11:  benefit concerts with @SingWithUkraine, The Opera House; several others
February 2022. Interview in Ladino for Ladino 21, online.
January 11: Interview, COZ 63, International Forum for Jewish Music Studies: 
Judeo-Spanish songs: geographical and metaphorical travels
2021 (online except November 18)

December. 2021 Appearance in documentary “Les Clefs de Solly”, Gabriel Bouzaglo, Mikael Ohana, Elias Levy. Montreal: Buzzglow Agency. At 36’2, 37’37, 46’48, 53’50

November 22 "Evolving Roles of Women in Sephardic Song" (online) Centro de Estudos Judaicos da Amazônia (CEJA)
November 18. LIVE. Aga Khan Museum. With Tamar Ilana:
November 11, 2021. Homenaje a Solly Lévy, Centro Cultural Sefarad, Argentina, Online. Details TBA
November 4, noon EST. "No hay boda sin tanyedera" - Songs and instruments
      in the Ladino repertorie.  American Sephardic Federation
October 21. See October 3.
October 18, "To Sefarad and Beyond", for Victoria Jewish Community Choir, 19:00 EST
October 14: see September 19
October 12, Ladino proverbs recited, for Transparent Language, Twitter curated by Ian Pomerantz
October 8, Daily Antidote of Song, Washington DC, "Singing the Sephardic Ode to the Eggplant"
October 6, DorotUsa programme, New York. (online). Music of Sefarad
October 3, 16:30 EST, Qesher, see September 12
September 19. Music in the World of the Portuguese Crypto-Jews, Qesher
September : "Alan Lomax in Morocco and Spain",
         ICTM-Mediterranean conference, Tangier, Morocco (new date from June 2020)
September 12, Qesher, requested repeat from June 24, July 8, and earlier

August 15. Ottawa (zoom), Qesher/Adath Shalom, as June 24

August 1. Invited performance for Festival de Haquetía prize awards (online), Brazil

   @ 36"45'

uly 28 Invited online set for 30th anniversary of the Sephardic Newsletter, ed. Y. Kerem

July 8. “La novia destrenza el pelo": As canções Sefarditas do Norte de Marrocos”.

                      Amazônia Judaïca (Brazil - online)

July 8. As June 24. 

June 24. As May 30. Requested repeat of programme, new attendees.

June 14. "Belmonte dos meus amores: Music in Crypto-Jewish Portuguese Life". For 

       Joshua Horowitz' online lecture series 'The Promiscuous Wolrd of Jewish Music"

June 14. Inaugural (Zoom) workshop-performance for World Championship Storytelling Festival, AceNovation Singapore/Chennai

May 30. Qesher: Sephardic Music. On request, repeat from November 2020 

May 26. 18:00 EDT. In Memoriam Solly Lévy. CIDICSEF, Argentina (online)


May 20.  "Negotiating Professional and Personal Jewish Identity through Musical

    Research and Performance.” First Moscow International Interdisciplinary Session on Jewish Art. Moscow (Online)

May 9. Victoria Jewish Community Choir: Introduction to Ladino Songs.

May 9. Toronto Storytelling Festival: Medieval Songs of Spring. (request link)

May 7. Toronto Storytelling Festival: Talking Stick. "And in their nets the fishermen found a

  golden duke: The Ballad of the Death of the Duke of Gandía.” May 7 (request link)

May 5. Invited guest for FabCollab's Curtain Call series, call.   

March 6. Invited singer for “Kantikas de Amor I Vida”, Memorial concert for Flory Jagoda.


2020 (online from March)

December 3, 17:00 EST. Centro Cultural Sefarad, Buenos Aires:

La mujer y la música en las tres religiones en la España medieval.

November 18.  Invited presenter,  "Daily Antidote of Song/Archive Challenge". Library of Congress: American Folklife Center/Washington Revels.

November 18. Holocaust songs for presentation on Spain and Sephardic Jews in

the Holocaust.

My work with Sephardic Song: for the Centre for Jewish Studies, York University.

November 15: Sefarad and its Music.

       Qesher Series, Budapest.

November 7: "Debasho del limón la novia":

     Adventures with Moroccan Sephardic Songs",

      Hollywood Temple Beth El, Los Angeles. Start at 1 hr. 30":


October 28 “’And for the groom a sardine’:

    Sephardic Women’s Songs” Jewish Learning Works,  San Francisco

October 22 and 25: Pop-Up concert (invitation), and lecture: 

      Society for Ethnomusicology (online) conference, Carleton University, Ottawa

October 5, "Sephardic Music: introduction and stories"

       secular Jewish congregation, Toronto

ONGOING:  Storytelling for 1001 Friday Nights, Toronto


August 23, Music among the Crypto-Jews of

Rural Portugal. For Sepharadic Genealogy,  Amsterdam


August 17, “The Mazal of Mr. Gerry Neldo:

Moroccan Sephardic Songs”, for series directed by 

Joshua Horowitz, “The Promiscuous World of Jewish Music”


August 11, “Everything (almost) you didn’t know

you wanted to know about Sephardic music”, 

For Temple Shalom, Auburn, Maine


June 21 for European Day of Music at the 

Museo Sefardí de Toledo 

YouTube  or

Global Rhythms online series produced
by Ensemble Topaz (Toronto), 24-5-2020
Invited to represent the Cervantes
Institute in Tangier, Morocco,
for the online Mediterranean
music festival Baleàrics 2.0,
at 26:05:
"Sephardic Music Around the Mediterranean"
Prepared especially for the Museo Ebraico
di Lecce, Italy:
"The Bride Underneath the Lemon Tree"
Lecture on Moroccan Sephardic songs
for the Aga Khan Museum
Invited participant in Covid-19 online
International "Unidos por el Ladino"
song"Esta montanya d'enfrente"
Toronto Storytellers: "Toronto Tells"
festival.  "My Improbable Road from
Epidemiology to Ethnomusicology".
May 23, 2020
BUSted Storytellers LA Transit Workers
online benefit festival. "Ay ay ay, it's the
Montreal Tramway", May 17, 2020
May 2020 CurtainCall with Tamar Ilana, FabCollab
2020 - postponed till 2021 because of pandemic.
May 2020: Lecture-concert for Global Nação
conference, New York City
May 2020: Lecture-concert: "The Lighter Side of
Judeo-Spanish Song", Jewish Music Week, Toronto
June 2020: "Alan Lomax in Morocco and Spain",
ICTM-Mediterranean conference, Tangier, Morocco
July 2020: Concert + workshop for Makom
/ Tres Culturas, Seville, Spain
March - Toronto Storytelling Festival - Storytelling events in Toronto cancelled -
Coronovirus precautions

To February 2020

Aga Khan Museum, solo Pop-up Performances Jan. 15, 18, 19
February 13, 2020. "The Bride Under the Lemon Tree: Musical worlds of Moroccan Jewish women"  Aga Khan Museum lecture. 1:00 pm.
February 23. Solo concert "Songs  of Travel"  for "EtCetera - Canadian Cultural Mosaic",  7 pm, 701 Sheppard West (events room),  Toronto.
February 29: "Soundscapes of Sefarad" - lecture-concert for "
Lyric Landscapes" - medieval Romance language symposium, 
University of Indiana, Bloomington.
Institut Européen des Musiques Juives, Paris, France. Interview (in French):
December 2019 + January 2020: various dates,
vocals + percussion with Kosa Koliadnyky,
Ukrainian polyphonic winter season songs 
December 15-17, 2019 San Diego : Association for Jewish
Studies, Beating the Water" to Mimouna: Music
among the Judeus of Portugal 25 years later. 
 December 28: Songs for Los Angeles Sephardic Community Hanuka event.
November 27, 2019 "Songs of Travel", Artery House
Concert, Toronto. 
November 19. Lennox & Addington County Museum, Napanee. 
Ontario. Sephardic and Ashkenazi Songs of the Holocaust, for the
Anne Frank Exhibition.
October 30. Concert for "Los Corassones Avlan" , Primo Levi 
Center, The Jews of Rhodes, New York City.
October 29. Lecture-concert on Sephardic and
medieval music, Fordham University, Bronx, NY
October 28. Concert for Shrine World Music, New York City.
September 16. Solo performance, Storytellers of Halifax.
September 14. Paper, UNESCO ICH and Traditions of Spain
and Portugal, Conference on ICH and the Atlantic,
Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia.
August 10-17: teaching Balkan Sephardic songs
at  Balkan Camp, Iroquois Springs, NY  
June 19-22: Braganza, Portugal. Tras-os-Montes
"Terras de Sefarad" conference: "'Siete Dias Enserrados': Music among
Sephardim  and Ashkenazim in the Holocaust"   
 Lecture with live singing ;  Workshop in Sephardic music 
June 23-26: Lisbon, Sosiedad Sefarad conference: "'There will
always be a gap': Moroccan  Sephardim  in   Montreal"        
June 27: Belmonte, Portugal: special concert for the Jewish community
June 28: Lisbon, Cervantes Institute: concert of Sephardic songs, 19:00
June 30-July 2: Zamora Sefardí conference:  Concert, June 30,
in La Hostería Real; “Lekha dodi – Gens du pays”: del Atlántico
marroquí al  Atlántico canadiense (July 2);   
Filandón: Romances de Doña Urraca" evening, July 2
July 3: For UNED course in Avila: "¿A quién apartenece esa
memoria? La música sefardí en la  memorias de los Sefardíes
- y en las memorias construidas de las fiestas “medievales”"
July 5:  Toledo: Music section of University of Castilla-
La Mancha course on Sephardic culture
July 13 : Museo Sefardí, Toledo. Concert-workshop.
July 16, Madrid. Centro Sefarad-Israel. 
Concert with Wafir Gibril
July 18-22 Granada, fieldwork research, Alan Lomax recordings
July 25, Hervás, Spain. Workshop in traditional percussion instruments, with Begoña Martín.
June 2-5 New York City, Board Meeting, Association of Jewish Studies.
May 18 Order of Good Cheer Coffee House, Port Carling, Ontario:
"Judith Cohen et ses invitées - femmes du monde",
Alliance Française, Toronto.

March 16, 2019, 8 pm.


"Sisters Queen and Captive" Toronto Storytelling
Festival: Stories at the Gladstone. March 3, 2019.
February 24-7. Hannover, Germany.
"We will live after Babylon: Armenian and  Jewish
Historical  Experience between Expulsion,
Exile and Destruction":
"'If you see me walking alone on the road' -
Sephardic songs of exile, expulsion, memory - and return"
Lecture; and "Singing the exile: Songs of the Sephardic
Diaspora": workshop-concert. 
Songs and Travels" -  Solo concert
Aga Khan Museum, pop-up concert series.

January 30, February 2 & 3.

"The King got up one Monday Morning"
StoryFusion Cabaret, Storytelling Toronto. January 26, 2019.

January 26, 2019 20:00.   Centre for Social Innovation, 720 Bathurst, Toronto

Ethnomusicologist and multi-instrumentalist Judith Cohen performs sung stories and tales

from Sephardic and pan-European traditions.

2018 and earlier:
Portuguese, Spanish Renaissance and Sephardic Songs for launch of Toronto author Anne Dublin's young adult novel "Cage without Bars." Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, October 29, 2018. 
"Portuguese and Jewish Musical Culture in Portugal and the Diaspora", Expressions of Lusophonia international conference,
York University, Toronto, October 26-27, 2019.
"Music in the Three Religions of Medieval Iberia". Kingston, Ontario:
Kingston Jewish Council with Queen's University. October 16-17, 2018.
Beijing, China: DDC Dusk Dawn Club/Alliance Française Beijing, July 10, 2018 . French-Canadian, Yiddish, Sephardic and Bulgarian songs.

Cracow, Poland, Cervantes Institute. July 17 , 2018. "Hija mia mi querida - Yome, Yome, zing mir a lidele” – Sephardic and Yiddish songs.
Lisbon, Portugal, Cervantes Institute, June 26, 2018. "Os Sefarditas e os seus vizinhos - assuntos cantados e contados."

Warsaw, Polamd. National Ethnographic Museum, 

July 13, 2018. "Sefardyjskie pieśni weselne".

Państwowe Muzeum  Etnograficzne and Bílý Koníček Express.

Zamora Sefardí, solo performance-talk for international

conference. Zamora, Spain, July 3, 2018. 

Museo Sefardí, Toledo, Spain. Solo performance-talk,

Sephardic music, for "Luna de Verano - 

Summer Moon" series. August 11, 2018.

Red de Juderías de España: solo concerts, Sephardic music, 

in Calahorra, August 10, and León, August 2, 2018. 

Concerts with Tamar Ilana, accompanied by

Yayoi Okaniwa, Israel, May 2018: Yung Yiddish,

Tel Aviv and house concert series, Ranaana.

"Mediterranean Sephardic musical identities:
from Ottoman lands and Italy to Iberia and  Morocco”,
ICTM Mediterranean Music Study Group, Essaouira,
Morocco, June 19, 2018.Casablanca, Morocco. 
Jewish Community Centre, June 25,2018. 
"Mini-colloque sur la Musique Juive".
"Caminhamos e andamos": music and shifting
identity among Portuguese B'nei Anusim”
International  conference on Jews in Portugal  
and the Iberian  Diaspora, Portugal, Dahan Center, 
Israel/Universidade de Lisboa/
Universidad of Oporto, June 26-July 2, 2018.
“ICH/PCI (UNESCO) in Iberia: some expected and
unexpected results”, Applied Ethnomusicology
Conference (ICTM), Beijing, China, July 7-10, 2018.
"Singing Stories from Tangier to Constantinople and
Suchowola: Sephardic and Yiddish   Ballads", European
Association of Jewish Studies, Kraków, July, 2018.
"Sephardic Songs: the Lighter Side" for Jewish
Music Forum conference, "Humour in Jewish Music",  
New York City, April 2018
House concert: Sephardic Tales and Songs. With
Jane Mubarak, author:  New York City, May 2018
Association of Canadian Jewish Studies, Montreal, 
 May, 2018: “A Canadian Jewish Scholar-Performer
Sings and Talks about Canada, Performance and Jewishness"
Aga Khan Museum, Toronto. "Sephardic Music in the
Mediterranean Soundscape." February, 2018.

© 2018. Web Consulting by Garateca.

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