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Wanderings Podcast with Pedro Bonatto.
In this episode of The Wanderings Podcast, Pedro Bonatto talks to Dr. Judith Cohen, a performer and ethnomusicologist specializing in Judeo-Spanish Sephardic songs, as well as in medieval and traditional music, including Balkan, Portuguese, Yiddish, and French Canadian, pan-European balladry, and songs from Crypto-Jewish regions of the Portuguese-Spanish border.
Descubriendo la música sefardÃ.
Radio Sefarad (Spain, 2011), series of seven broadcasts on "Discovering Sephardic music". Prepared by Judith Cohen.
Ya se va el rabinu
Turkish Sephardic. The rabbi buys presents for his wife.
Coplas de Purim (Salonica)
With Tamar Ilana, Greek Sephardic song for the holiday of Purim
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